Remember that article I wrote a few months back, arguing for an end to gerrymandering in Illinois? Well, turns out there's an organization called Yes for Independent Maps, and they've been collecting signatures to get the issue on the ballot at this November's election! They needed to collect 300,000 signatures of registered Illinois voters in order to put their proposed amendment on the ballot--and they succeeded! I managed to get on board just in time to get my own copy of their petition, and I collected signatures and sent them in just under the deadline. On May 1st, they'll have a celebration breakfast in downtown Chicago, load the petitions on to a semi-truck, and drive them down to Springfield where they will officially submit them. The state will then cross-check the signatures and addresses on the petitions. If the total of legitimate signatures is over 300,000, then their will be a referendum on the amendment on Nov. 4, 2014. The residents of Illinois can vote either yes or no.
Some brief facts about the campaign:
The Illinois Independent Redistricting Amendment would establish independent commission to draw the electoral maps.
This commission would consist of 11 non-politicians: four Democrats, four Republicans and three independents.
This amendment would effect redistricting for state legislators only, not federal legislators.
To see a summary and complete draft of the amendment, click here.
Other links of interest:
CLTV Interview with campaign manager, Michael Kolenc.
Chicago Tribune Editorial: A fair legislative map means better Democratic candidates